Back-to-school, IEP, Parenting
Introduce the topic of homeschooling to any group of parents and you’re likely to get a mix of responses. There will be some who are thoroughly in favor of homeschooling, some who are ardently against, and some who are just plain terrified of the idea! But what about...
IEP, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Pre-School, Special Needs Child
Do you have a difficult time engaging your young child in play? So much of the time as adults, we can find ourselves trying to get a child to engage in play the way we think it should be done. For example, a child bangs a spoon on a toy kitchen set instead of using...
IEP, Occupational Therapy, Pre-School
The acronym “IEP” stands for “Individualized Education Plan.” Since I have two school-aged children on the Autism Spectrum, I have attended many IEP meetings. In Wake County, North Carolina, children receive an IEP when they age out of the Birth-to-Three program...