Anna, OT/L
Occupational Therapist
Anna has experience working with individuals from 1-month-old to 100+ years old. Her pediatric experience has primarily been focused on the home environment, schools/after-school programs, and a doctor’s office. She has been a care provider for a teenager with autism, where she was able to use her clinical skills to help establish routines and address sensory needs to improve his engagement in his environment. She led group activities during school recess for children grades K-8 and volunteered at an after-school program; her activities were focused on facilitating play and promoting gross motor skills for children of various abilities. She spent her last year of graduate school working on her capstone project in a Primary Care Center in Pittsburgh, PA. She collaborated with her peers, physicians, and families to promote healthy habits and routines for toddlers, specifically around mealtime. Anna’s experience working with individuals in all stages of life has helped her grow as an OT and provide quality patient and family-centered care.
Anna is originally from Cincinnati, Ohio. She studied Psychology and Human Development and Family Sciences at Ohio State University before earning her doctorate in Occupational Therapy at the University of Pittsburgh. Following graduation, Anna moved down to North Carolina with her fiancé. She spent 2+ years working in a nursing home, helping older adults with their activities of daily living and better engage in leisure activities, but she is so happy to be working with children again. Anna has always loved working with kids, ever since she started a neighborhood summer camp (cleverly named “Fun Camp”) with her friends during middle school. Anna loves being creative with her treatments and using her patient’s interests to help motivate them and keep them engaged in their therapy sessions. She is enthusiastic about being an OT and helping people live their lives to the fullest. In her free time, Anna enjoys crafting, being a photographer, traveling, spending time with her family, and playing with her kitties.