Stephanie C., MS, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist

Stephanie has 7+ years of experience working in pediatrics since graduation. She has worked in outpatient and home health settings. She has evaluated and treated children with a wide variety of Developmental Delays, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Chromosomal Disorders, Seizure Disorders, Cancer, and additional diagnoses. She has experience working alongside Speech therapists, Physical therapists, Behavioral therapists, and Psychologists. Stephanie has experience with supervision of Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants.

Stephanie adores working with children and collaborating with the whole family. She believes in the importance of family involvement in treatment with an emphasis on family quality of life. She has additional training in neurodevelopmental treatment, which utilizes hands-on treatment to assist with functional movement. She has also taken additional training in the DIR/floortime approach, which is an evidence-based treatment approach using a relationship model to aid in child development. Stephanie also has additional training in feeding therapy approaches to address sensory and developmental delays.

Stephanie is originally from Connecticut where she worked in outpatient and home health for pediatrics and adult patients for 4 years. She moved with her husband to North Carolina in 2020 and has been working primarily in outpatient pediatrics since relocating. She values the importance of the natural environment and is excited to focus on that area.

Stephanie has experience helping children with diet expansion including the texture, flavor, and variety of foods. She has experience working on self-care skills such as dressing skills, toothbrushing, bathing, self-feeding, and many more. Stephanie enjoys helping children regulate their sensory systems using a multisensory approach to improve engagement throughout all daily activities. She has had success helping children achieve age-appropriate fine and visual motor skills to complete activities such as pre-writing skills, cutting, handwriting, and fastener manipulation. Stephanie also has experience in helping children with play skills, emotional regulation, coping strategies, reflex integration, and motor coordination. She believes in the importance of rapport building with the child to individualize care. The therapist and patient relationship is the foundation for all her treatment. Parents have stated that Stephanie’s kindness, understanding, and respect have helped their children grow and blossom during therapy.

Stephanie, OT

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